Have you ever felt that life is just way too hard nowadays?
Do you ever look back with those glasses that show you everything tinted by a glorious rose colour?
Do you remember the other 90s anthem..."And I scream from the top of my lungs, what's going on" by 4 non blondes?
And yes, before you ask, I was a child of the nineties!
But, I threw my glasses with the rosy tints away, along with my glow stick, fluffy pink hot pants and cassette recorder.
Why? Because I realised that the experiences that I had when I was younger were all part of my growth....not good, not bad...just what I needed to experience, in order to grow, in order to live...in order to know.....
Maybe one day I shall buy another pair of fluffy pink hot pants, or maybe I won't, but either way...it would be for a new me, not to re-create a life that has gone.
The world is going through an extraordinary evolution...and as a result...you are not wrong...life is hard...life is different and this is not going away.
This will not end as the lockdowns cease and life appears to go back to some kind of 'normal'...because we are evolving and we are birthing.
For anyone who has experienced birth first hand, you will know that it is not pretty!
Birth is terrifying, birth is extra-ordinary, birth is agonising, birth is magical, birth feels like it will never end and all we want to do is go back...end it, stop it, make it go away!
Until....we see life!
Life, that comes rushing in its purest, wildest, most beautiful and perfect form, from the blood, tears and sweat that accompany this, the most magical moment we know.
This my friends, is what we are living through now....
We are labouring under the strain of the agonies caused by the birthing of a new world....a world unlike any we have ever known.
It is natural to look back, to see the past as better, less painful, to want to hold onto that which we know, even when it's awful!
You are human and this is what we do and this is how we move through the process...back and forth, back and forth, until the push is just too strong and we surrender to the inevitability of it all and just LET GO....and when we do this....the life that is so desperately trying to come through us, births in all its glory.
It is then that we see the truth, it is then we unite, it is then that we love and all that has been and all that will come is lost in the infinity of the moment , which is all there ever is.
