Death is something that most of us run away from, hoping that if we can't see it, then it can't see us.
It is extraordinary, really, when we think about it, as it is the one thing that is guaranteed in our lives, and yet, for the most part, we ignore it.
One of the greatest truths that I have learned through my shamanic work is that we can run but never hide.
The nature of reality is that it is perfect and perfection demands balance. If even the smallest shift happens, balance must be restored. Our lives are no different. They are a series of lessons, a combination of experiences, but balance must and does always come first.
This is the true meaning of the word Karma. Karma is balance.
When we accept and acknowledge this universal truth, we free ourselves from the belief that we are the ones who must be in control as egos in skin suits.
When we realise we are so much more than what we see in the mirror, we begin to understand the truth. Once we understand the truth, we seek balance in everything we do to avoid creating more karma and to reintegrate the old karma.
To find true joy and live in peace, it is necessary for us to know Death.
Death, much like the Yin within the Yang and the Yang within the Yin, must exist for Life to exist, and Life must exist in order for Death to exist.
Death is simply a changing of vibration; it is not something to fear. It is a natural process that, once understood, needs to hold no fear.
Guilt and regrets can be let go of, as we understand that we are all here to have an experience. There is no right or wrong way of doing Life; there is just Life.
Whatever we failed to see, understand, learn or acknowledge this time around, can be learnt, acknowledged, understood, and seen next time around.
Life is not a competition; it is not a test to see who does it best; it is an experience and an experiment.
It is a process of growth and remembrance.
As the veil of Death releases us from our human form and we meld back into the whole, we can see that which we could not, when we were human. Simply said, we then have the opportunity to come back and sort out our karma next time around.
Whomever we have chosen to journey within the human realms is our soul family. This family is eternal and a combination of everyone that we experience in our lifetimes on earth.
The people in our physical lives are those who journey with us every lifetime, so no one is ever 'lost,' and no one ever really dies because we are always together in soul.
Once we know the truth, we can let go of the fear of Death, both our own and that of others.
My Book The Art Of Dying is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.
All the love to you
