Group meditation for chakra balancing
Join me for this beautiful weekly reconnect. The chakras are the energetic centres within the body which are connected to all nerve endings and all organs. Each chakra is connected to emotions and behavioural patterns. For example if we have supressed our voice and not not been able to speak our truth, we may have problems relating to the throat, teeth or mouth chakra. If we have been heart broken or suffered abandonment, we may expereince issues relating to the lungs, or chest chakra. If we have experienced sexual trauma or not felt able to express our sexuality openly, this may appear in the womb or prostate chakra. By getting to know our chakras and by regulalry cleansing and balancing them, we can start to change how we feel and expereince more well-being in body and mind.
The session
How it works
This is a 60 minute session, which can be done in person or online.
After the initial consultation we arrange a day and time for our first session.
For online sessions, I shall send you a personal link for the session. Please check internet connection, video and microphones for online sessions.
You do not need to bring anything to the session.
If possible please have some time free for yourself after the session.
Online meditation
Each week we join together online to cleanse and balancwe the chakras. As we work as a group we bring the healing not only to ourselves but to everyone present too. The energy of a group os a very powerful thing indeed.